Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sims 3 aslyum challenge

This is't the official asylum challenge i just wanted to convert all and all for the sims 3 since i dearly love this challenge.I copied the sims 2 asylum and converted everything.. that needed to be.

Ok here's a small (only the 1 generation) challenge for when you just need a break. I based it off the I'm Surrounded by Idiots Challenge.Altered for the sims 3

You should consider this beta testing of the challenge as it's my first one so it will probably need a little tweaking. Especially the scoring. And my inner control freak emerged and created a lot of rules for what started as a simple challenge. So I apologize for that.


You have been committed to a run down mental health facility against your will. In order to prove that you are fit to rejoin society and earn your freedom, you must achieve the goal your psychiatrist has set for you – your lifetime want.

The catch? You need to achieve your goal as quickly as possible, while keeping 7 other patients, who you don't know and are out of your control, alive and as happy as possible. Add to that budget cutbacks leading to a lack of decent furniture and limited supplies, and your task gets harder.


Create a group of 8 unrelated Young Adult/Adult sims.

For your sim (the only one you can control) randomize his/her traits-take whichever 3 off their traits list-add the trait "Insane-pick whichever 2 traits you want

However you can just randomize all the traits then put insane on 1

You can also have insane be the only trait-this would no doubt make them extremely insane

For your all the other sims randomize his/her traits then take two traist off and assign the traits "Insane"(they should be insane right) and "Hates the outdoors" (to make sure they don't leave the lot)"

Remember you can never control the 7 other sims. You can't even look at any of their information after creating them. You an not know their ltw, their wishes or the status of their motives. In other words, once on the lot, never click on their pic. Also you may not ask them any questions take them off the lot or get them jobs. They are heavily medicated patients and unlike you, they don't have day passes.

On the other hand, you may ask them to join you in activities or tell them to clean up(or as I like to call it – mind control) to get them to do things. However, there is a bonus if you never ask them to do anything

You may only leave the asylum to work or if it is useful for your LTW (such as going the park to fish,or searching for seeds). You may have other sims visit. You can even romance other sims as long as you don't leave the lot. You may ask visitors to help around (you will lose the no influence bonus) to do anything, including cleaning, gardening and repairing.

No maid, no gardener, no repair person, no exterminator. You can not have a baby or move anyone else into the lot even if someone else dies.

If anyone dies (other patients or visitors) you must leave their tombstone on the lot and allow the ghost to roam freely. And congrats, you now have a haunted asylum. And if a patient dies, you must delete 1 bed and 1 seat (until you are down to 1 bed and 1 seat).


Choose any size lot you wish. You can also use a pre-made house if you want. Keep in mind, the design of the house matters more than it normally would in playing and you can't redesign once you start. A little thought and planning will make a world of difference.

These aren't free range patients so you must give them a building. All objects, excluding plants, décor and lighting must be placed inside of a building.

Suit the Asylum to your LTW So, if your LTW is to have a perfect garden then plant a garden, You may need a pond for the perfect aquarium LTW also

You may cheat for money to build but when you are done building before starting to play, you must reduce your funds to 100 simoleons. You may then NOT buy anything else from build or buy mode during the game except to replace stolen or repossessed items as long as you buy the exact same item.

If you do not cheat for money to build, you do not need to reduce your funds prior to playing and may continue to buy any décor items as the game continues, such as windows, flooring, wallpaper, pictures, plants, lights and pretty knickknacks. You may NOT buy anything that serves any purpose other than décor – including surfaces, seating, walls, doors and skill objects. The only exception is that you may replace stolen or repossessed items as long as you buy the exact same item.


Custom content is allowed as long as it conforms to all other rules.

Beds – No bed may have over a 3 in energy or comfort. You may have up to

1 double bed and 2 single beds
0 double beds and 4 single beds

Chairs/Couches – There can only be total seating for 6. That includes couches, lounges and chairs. If you have a dining table with 4 chairs then you may not use a couch that seats 3. You may have only 1 piece of napable furniture, so if you have a couch then you may not have a recliner and vice versa. No seating may have over a 3 in energy or 8 in comfort.

Plumbing – Only 1 toilet and a sink.

Skill Items – Only 1 skill building item per skill type. No different types of items that build the same skill or multiples of the same item. For example. You can have one bookcase but not two bookcases. The only exception is to allow for a tv. You can have a tv and a bookcase even though both build cooking.

Entertainment - You can have a tv or a radio but not both and whichever you choose can not be more than in fun. There can be no other entertainment items in the house – no computer, no video games, no soccer table, etc. This ain't The Ritz. The only exception would be laptop (you must buy that on your own-no cheating) for the writing LTW-meanwhile you can write a novel at the library

Electronics – You can have as many phones as you want. But due to the shoddiness of the asylum, no burglar alarm, no smoke detector and no sprinklers.

Appliances – You must have an accessible stove for the patients. How else can they play with fire?

Misc – You can not use any lockable or claimable doors. And no rearranging of furniture to reserve or use something yourself. For example, you can not move the tv into a bedroom and turn it on just to get an uncontrollable patient out of bed so you can sleep in the bed (although if you have the tv in the bedroom all the time that is fine). Nor can you remove a door so others can't gain access to the bathroom so you can use it when you come home from work.

Cheats/Hacks – not allowed. Exceptions are the money cheat during building (see building rules), aging off and if you want you can use something to make your uncontrollable sims unselectable.

I made it more harsh on our sims since the sims 3 sims can take care of themselves

Once you achieve your ltw you calculate your score.

You begin with 100 points then:

The Good:

* never used influence = + 20 points
* each skill point your living fellow patients have at the end (you can look now) = + 1 point
* each 1000 aspiration points your living fellow patients have at the end (add them all together and then round up) = + 1 point
* each friend of the household = + 1 point

The Bad:

* every sim day that you remained institutionalized = - 1 point
* each roommates death = - 20 points
* each visitor death = – 30 points

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